Tony Sottile who plays hockey in the Prescott League and is a friend to
many of us in the league, contacted cancer in 2013 and is in the process of
finishing his treatments in the next few months. Not surprisingly, like
everything that he undertakes, Tony is working hard to defeat this horrible
Geordie Adams and I have committed to support him by raising monies to
fight colon cancer. We are reaching out to all of those who play in the
Prescott League to join us on Sept. 20th anytime after 4pm at the Little Creek
Ranch in Ashton. (My Home)
This event should be a lot of fun, there will be a dinner, Silent and
live Auctions as well as a special roping contest, all of which will contribute
to a great cause. Dress appropriately with your cowboy boots and hat; bring a
chair as well as anything that you plan to drink. Tickets are $60.00 dollars a
person with a tax receipt for $30.00 and includes a dinner catered by Lone
Star. If you are not able to attend in person we still urge you to make a donation.
Please copy and paste this link http://ottawacancer.kintera. org/teamingupfortony2014 into your Google search engine to purchase
tickets, in doing so you will help us fight this terrible disease in
hopes of one day defeating it, or select the donation button if you cannot join
us on this special day.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can.
Thanking you in advance for your support..
You're Friend,
Larry Murray
(White Team)
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